It's all about transparency
Since the idea of this website was born, the core values were clear: it has to be simple, affordable and transparent! This is reflected by our price-structures as well.
Check the promotions!!! A special discount applies!
Check the promotions!!! A special discount applies!
Full advertisement package: 25€ a month
(in case you need a webpage)
This is everything you need to kick-start your online presence. You just need to fill one simple form.
- we will send clients directly to you
- you will receive Cashback on referrals
- you can unsubscribe anytime / no contract / no obligations!
- we will make you a professional-looking web-page with the following benefits:
- chinesemassage.mt is a Google-friendly domain name for the keywords "Chinese massage Malta" (people will find you more easily both on Google-search and on our website's internal search as well)
- professional-looking webpage made by designers
- search-engine-optimized (SEO-ready)
- mobile-ready
- google-map-location included
- where we are better than our competitors:
- easy registration
- good customer support
- other advertisement sources:
- social media backlinks
- a shout-out on social media (to alert our followers that you joined us)
- extras:
- business cards (after the first full-payment of full advertisement package)
Already have a website? Not a problem!
- we will make your website accessible through our system: sending the visitors directly to your website or facebook page (based on your preference)
- provide you with a strong backlink (high-quality-backlinks are essential to make your website rank higher on google)
- post a shoutout on social media (which will generate traffic to your website)
- Why would we do such a thing? We don't see your website as a competitor, but as a possibility to add value to both of us.
Personally, I'm not aware of a better option in Malta!
Change request: 5€ -- the first one is FREE!
We know that it is hard to make a webpage perfect at first try:
You noticed a typo or you just took better photos and want to replace the old ones... Maybe the opening hours have changed or your business moved? There can be plenty of reasons to make changes to your page!
You can make any number of changes you want in one change-set:
- changing the company description
- the pictures
- the captions for the pictures
- the opening hours
- your contact info
- your address
Just fill a change request here! (The form is coming soon, until then please contact us here and we will discuss the details).
We will sort it out for you!
The first change-set is free; for every other subsequent change-set we will kindly ask for a 5€ PayPal order (to cover the coffee-needs of our website administrator! :) )
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