Webpage Title [mandatory]

  • first picture about chinese massage parlor

    Picture 1 title [optional]

    Picture 1 caption [optional]
  • second picture about chinese massage parlor

    Picture 2 title [optional]

    Picture 2 caption [optional]
  • third picture about chinese massage parlor

    Picture 3 title [optional]

    Picture 3 caption [optional]
  • fourth picture about chinese massage parlor

    Picture 4 title [optional]

    Picture 4 caption [optional]
  • fifth picture about chinese massage parlor

    Picture 5 title [optional]

    Picture 5 caption [optional]

About [optional]

Here will stand the description if you fill the "About" section of the Subscription Form. This section is optional however this (together with the pictures) will make it stand out from other chinese massages at Malta.

Open hours [mandatory]

Here will stand the description if you fill the "Open hours" section of the Subscription Form.

The preferred format is:

Monday:      9:00 - 17:00
Tuesday:      9:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 9:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 20:00
Thursday:    9:00 - 17:00
Friday:         9:00 - 17:00
Saturday:     9:00 - 17:00
Sunday:        Closed

Contact info [mandatory]

Tel: +356 77 555 166
Address: Street name , house name/number, locality

Map [automatic]

Here is the widget of google-maps based on the address given above


Red Dragon Massage

  • Red Dragon Massage parlor logo

    This a good place for your company logo

    In this caption you can add a company motto if you want, or you just leave it empty

  • Red Dragon Massage parlor staff

    This is a nice place to add a picture about your stuff / employees

    Maybe say a few words about the photo

  • Red Dragon Massage parlor prices

    Its a good practice to add a pricelist

    You can leave out a caption here or add some clarifications

  • Red Dragon Massage parlor picture of interior

    You can display your amenities here

    And add a description about what is not on the picture

  • A beautiful Chinese girl

    At the end just add a catchy picture

    Its important because this will stuck in people\s head


Cancelled Subscription

Cancelled subscription picture

We are extremely sorry that you cancelled your subscription... 

Please leave us a feedback so we will know how to improve!

Thank you very much in advance

Hope we can work together in future!



Successful subscription

Congratulations your purchase was successful!!!

Thank you for supporting the site and using our services.

Please fill the appropriate forms regarding to your request, I promise we will process it with priority!


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